7 Oct 2020
Yogya - Leveraging AI for Workforce Empowerment


    Yogya.ai was created by Agam and Sugam Malviya on April 17, 2019, to provide a way to the companies to enhance employee capability.

    Yogya.ai broke onto the scene with its ingenious AI-powered solution aimed to provide teams with a handy tool to upskill and improve performance and hence improve the overall efficiency of the company.

    Yogya’s vision is to be deemed as a secondary mind for each and every employee which helps make their jobs a little easier in the process while providing on-demand support.

    It raised necessary funds in a seed round back on September 24, 2019. Yogya.ai is currently funded by The Cowrks Foundry.


    In order to attain peak performance, you need to understand what each member of the team brings to the table, their strengths, their skill gaps and what can be done to bridge the gaps to further enhance the performance of the group as a whole, for which Yogya.ai provides an elegant solution and boasts an upward trend for your company’s organizational capabilities by up to 10x.

    How do they do that? Let’s get down to brass tacks here.

    To keep up with the changing business demand and function needs, the need of the hour is, therefore, to reskill and upskill at regular intervals to ensure optimum performance. Yogya.ai comes to the rescue of leaderships and managers so that they don’t have to deal with unmatched skills expectations which could ultimately lead to bad hiring by providing resource optimization and collaboration. You can empower your workforce by leveraging Yogya.ai in the following fashion:

    ● Set expectations ● Create learning paths ● Invite employees ● Monitor Capability Metrics ● Enable curiosity Bytes

    Yogya.ai has proved its mettle with these encouraging statistics:

    ● Yogya.ai has helped reduce employee onboarding time by 30% for all the companies it has collaborated with so far
    ● The companies using Yogya.ai’s technology saw a 43% improvement in employee performance
    ● Yogya.ai also helped significantly reduce employee turnover cost for several companies by up to 27%

    Yogya.ai fits right in with all your CRMs, helpdesks, management tools in a seamless fashion.

    Your learning management system can be tweaked for better results as follows:

    ● Build a personalized learning experience

    ○ Competency mapping

    ○ AI-powered Content Curation Engine

    ■ Create a personalized learning path from 12 different parameters

    ○ Contextual Personalization

    ○ Team Branching

    ● Quantify Learning

    ○ Identify Skill Gaps

    ○ Customer Reports

    ○ Data Exporting

    ○ Performance Management

    ● Automate Workflows

    ○ Integrations

    ○ Learning Experience

    ○ Scalability

    ○ Lucid Migration to incorporate Yogya.ai into your workflow

    ● Learn in the Flow of Work

    ○ Social and Blended Learning

    ○ Effective on a Mobile Environment

    ○ Yogya Bot to ease the process of acquaintance with the product


    Striving to be the best learning experience platform on the web, Yogya.ai has so far worked with Industry stalwarts like Swiggy, Crowdera, Coworks, Wittyfeed among many others.

    Yogya.ai is changing the market as it helps more and more companies with each passing day to upscale their performance allowing them to function at their maximized potential.