9 May 2020
EWar Games : India's Leading ESports Platform

    I have always been fascinated by video games. The rich tapestry supported by an immersive storyline drawing you in, letting you follow in the steps of your favorite crusader, fighting your way through unique challenges, as you trudge along to the ultimate prize. The numbers are befuddling, frankly. A market consisting of estimated 300 million gamers from India alone, India happens to be one of the top 5 hotspots when it comes to mobile gaming markets, and these numbers are just going to shoot up further.

          According to NASSCOM, the applied gaming market in India is about to reach USD 66-69 million by 2020, as India emerges as the new powerhouse for gaming. Slated to be a $1.1 billion opportunity by 2021, according to Google-KPMG. Who knew a little dopamine release could have the potential for such an aggressive growth of gamers across the world?

    This is to address the hardcore gamers in the country, there’s a new gaming app in town, EWar Games, India’s leading Esports platform. Launched in January earlier this year, by Parth Chadha and Rahul Singh, Ewar games provide a platform for skilled gamers to play and earn money from completing various challenges. Recently having raised $200K of equity funding from Jindal Steels and Jeet Banerjee, founder of Gameplan, the funds are to be utilised for the optimisation and improvement of the user experience of the product.

    Aiming to become the country’s largest customer-centered platform and establish itself as the one-stop escapade for all the gaming fans and e-sports enthusiasts across India. With a wide range of games to cater to your every whim, and designed to give you your adrenaline rush, it gives you an option to either play virtually or for real money, whilst providing an ad-free streaming network(probably one of the most important things to incorporate in a gaming platform).

          Since January, EWar Games has rocketed to a user base of 500,000 with over 45,000 games being played over a month. With the increasing number of gamers across the globe, a staggering growth seems to be in the works for EWar Games, as it prepares to use the initial financial boost to reach out to this growing customer base, establishing its foothold in this market.

    With the possibility of catering to over a million gamers by next month, EWar Games is a part of the upcoming startups to look out for.

    Ewar Games  online games  Play and Win  Funding  Gaming Startup  Startup India  Investment  Play Games Online  Entrepreneur